Wednesday 6 May 2015

  I will write about my bike. Because I don´t want to write about my phone or my computer.
   And if I have something that I really do like, is my bike.   May be is an old technology, but somebody invented it i-don´t-know-when.
       My dad gave me it to me almost 2 years ago, but before that one, I rode others, one mine, or my brother or sister´s bike. I have ridden since I was like 8 or 9 years old.
     At children I was a little reserved, so I used to ride very often, because it was something what I liked and I could do alone.  Then, when I was like 15 or 16 years old, I began to use the bike more as a mean of transport than a hobbit.  It is more comfortable than to wait and take the bus. And sometimes I have to go to places very close  between them, so is faster on bike.  The problem is when I have to go to a far place, in that case I just take the public transport.  And actually, I don´t ride it every day to come to FACSO,  I ride here 3 times for week, still I have not the energy to do it all the week, but I think I wil have it in more time.
     I like it because it is like a micro-adventure in a normal day, and for that feeling of the wind, micro-independence and freedom.  Also, for me, the technology and concept of to multiply the energy of movement by a pulley  is amazing. I mean, I waste the energy I would use to run slow but I move  very fast. My life without would be slower and boring.


  1. Man... you kill me with your introduction jaja. Now I want a bike, for enjoy me of a natural way and be more slim.

  2. Hi!! I don't have a byke because I'm living so far from everything! But when I go to my boyfriend's home, we go out for ride together, and it is so perfect!
    I have a hope that in a future I can ride everywhere because I will live nearby of all.

  3. i will love to have a better physical condition and ride a bike jajaja. Your micro-adventures must be great :)

  4. Today was the first time that I see you with your bike!

  5. You are a hypocrite, man! Daniela Loreto Molina descovered in your lie, I really believed in your post, and now you disappoint me

    1. hahaha what are you talking about!

    2. You perfectly know of what Im talking!

  6. Hi I would like to come here in bike but I live very far from here so I can't :(
