Wednesday 10 June 2015

   In my house we have a dog called Fiona, a and 2 cats, Leo and Atreyu. I will write how we got them. With my sister, we found one of the cats, Leo, the year 2006 in our school, he was very dirty. We just took him to our house. And at the next day we washed him. Somebody told us that he looked like he was 2 months  old. We never before had had a cat.

      I found Fiona with 2 brothers in a cardboard box in my street, somebody left them there.  I found people who wanted to have 2 of them, and my mother wanted the last one. Also they were very young, like 2 or 3 months old. It was the year 2012.  Leo was not very happy with Fiona. Before she arrived, he was the only animal, and all the space was for him. Also Leo was already an adult  cat, he wasn´t for games, but there arrived a puppy who wanted to play all the time with him. Also Fiona used to eat his food at the beginning. And once Fiona played with Leo´s bed until it was destroyed. I arrived to home when it had already happened.
        And about the last cat, Atreyu, when my sister was living in a friend´s house, she was taking care in his bedroom of a mother cat with her children. The cats were there 2 months and half, 3 of them were adopted and my sister chosed the more crazy for her. One year after she came back to live in our parents´ house with Atreyu. It was the year 2014. Atreyu knew how to elude Fiona, but Leo and Atreyu had problems to coexist at the beginning, but now they are Friends. 
     I only have a picture with 2 animals, it is impossible to take a photograph to the 3 together.

Friday 29 May 2015

About my grandmother.

     I have lived with her some seasons, a few months in differents years. And when I am living in my parents´house, I usually  sleep in her house once at the week. Living with her we started to have a good relationship , also I began to know about my  family history.

She lives with my grandfather and two dogs, but how my granfather works,  she is alone the most part of the day  so she likes to see me arriving there. (and she likes to speak soooo much). She is very active, she wakes up very early, she likes to cook, to stay with her dogs, to feed so much them (and those dogs eat whatever she cooks),  to go to the church (and when she has to go somewhere she is able to go alone).   She is very inattentive, but no for the age, she always in her life has used to confuse some things. Also is a very happy and relaxed person.

    She every time express what she thinks (sometimes making problems). She is very Christian, she every time is trying to make go  with her to the church. She likes to read, and read, and read. Also she liked so much“the hobbit” movie.

Wednesday 6 May 2015

  I will write about my bike. Because I don´t want to write about my phone or my computer.
   And if I have something that I really do like, is my bike.   May be is an old technology, but somebody invented it i-don´t-know-when.
       My dad gave me it to me almost 2 years ago, but before that one, I rode others, one mine, or my brother or sister´s bike. I have ridden since I was like 8 or 9 years old.
     At children I was a little reserved, so I used to ride very often, because it was something what I liked and I could do alone.  Then, when I was like 15 or 16 years old, I began to use the bike more as a mean of transport than a hobbit.  It is more comfortable than to wait and take the bus. And sometimes I have to go to places very close  between them, so is faster on bike.  The problem is when I have to go to a far place, in that case I just take the public transport.  And actually, I don´t ride it every day to come to FACSO,  I ride here 3 times for week, still I have not the energy to do it all the week, but I think I wil have it in more time.
     I like it because it is like a micro-adventure in a normal day, and for that feeling of the wind, micro-independence and freedom.  Also, for me, the technology and concept of to multiply the energy of movement by a pulley  is amazing. I mean, I waste the energy I would use to run slow but I move  very fast. My life without would be slower and boring.

Thursday 30 April 2015

       This picture is from the year 2012. That time I was very interested in photograph.

I took this picture.  I think the eyes in general are amazing. Usually we don´t watch them, mostly because nobody   likes to feel so observed, but I don´t mean we have to be desperate trying to see "the window of the soul", I mean something so simple like to speak seeing the eyes of the person you are talking. And to let him o her see your eyes, always in the way that is confortable for you. Personally, because that reason I don´t like to wear sunglasses. Also It is a way to express that you are taking care of what the person is telling you.
Those times, at 2012, a took a group of pictures of eyes like this one. It was funny to walk in my school seeing the people´s eyes discreetly, searching anyone special. Of course, first I ask to  the person If I could take a picture. If the person was agree  I had to put he camera very close to the face. Yes, it was a Little strange.
I will not write the name of the owner of this  eye, for keep the anonymus. Anyway don´t be shy to observe the picture, when do you have the opportunity to see one so close?
May be it is one of the magic things of the pictures, to show something common or ordinary in a way to have another way to see it.
The pictures I took were like this, just an eye, but watching them, I found emotions.
In this eye, what do you see??

Wednesday 22 April 2015

In the metro station "Parque O´higgins" once I ate a sopaipilla with peanut sauce.  I don´t go to that area very often, so I still have not eaten there again.      Because that I don´t remember the name of the street stoll,  may be it was called “el rey de los completos” or “el chef de las sopaipas”, the name was something like that.I was happy when I knew it, like a year ago. I am vegetarian, sometimes it is a little difficult to eat well in the street.  It is close to  the metro entrance and the bus stop. There was a man serving, he had empanadas, completos and sopaipillas. The important part was the differents sauces what you could choose. There were the traditionals: ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard, spicy sauce, but also  were  another kind of ketchup, two more differents spicy sauces, peanut with siboulete, mayonnaise with garlic and may be  one or two more.     I choose  to write about this, what it´s simple or modest, to show that a food so simple can be better  with a good and simple idea. And this idea, “new possibilities of sauces for something what we already know” (how I like to called it)  was not in a big or important restaurant, It was just a person selling in one of our noisy  streets.

Wednesday 15 April 2015

 Santiago, our city is very big.  So big that I do not know all the  areas of the city.  Really I don´t think that somebody have been in everywhere.  I live in Peñalolén,  and the most part of my friends and family live in areas like Macul, Peñalolén, Ñuñoa, Providencia.  Also I use to have to go to the center of the city.  I have been in Puente Alto, La cisterna, Pedro Aguirre Cerda, Estación Central, Maipu, Las Condes, La Reina, but I am not there very often. There I have just named  11 of the…¿43? Areas,  I am not sure of the correct number.         About the things I don´t like is first at all that this city is so big. So big that sometimes I feel it a little invasive. And the smog Cloud makes it sad.    What I do like about this city are the streets at the twilight and Night. When there are less cars and people.  If you are in the center you would listen bands playing music in the sidewalk,  friends  walking,  riding relaxed their bikes or taking out the dogs.     If I could change things, I would restrict the number of the levels of the buildings to no more of 5 or 6. Also I would like more parks and bikeways.        And my favorite tip is the Cerro San Cristobal.  A Hill inside the city. You can go to make exercise, or just walk between the trees and see the city from a different point, with the good and bad things. 

Wednesday 8 April 2015

Ok, first I have to write about a webside I like.
   It`s Paradogic, Because  i don´t really use so much to explore in the internet. When i connect on internet, (once at day, or in two days) usually I do the same thing. First I check my email adress, then my facebook webside, after I see the news in "el ciudadano"  and "The Clinic".  In general just that.  But no one of those are my favorite webside.  "el ciudadano" is not very complete about the topics,  and slow reporting. I read it because has less filter in the news than others.  Beside "the clinic" is faster but the writting of the reporters is very bad, and poor in the information.   Somebody who read my blog, could comment a good page to read the news.               Or think about this question:  How should a good news webside be? We are  in this world that the internet is not so free how it used to be in the beginning, that it`s every day more controlled. And also the information uses to be just rumors, or inventions of the people. How do we know how to know what to believe and not?